Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.
Well, another episode of me going back to join another prompt from Top Ten Tuesday. So, when I looked up the topic, it turns out it is a non-book freebie for this week. Since recently I watched a lot of series or dramas, I decided to choose this topic. Anyway, I watched a lot of Korean and Japan dramas. Here we go.
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1. Still 2Gether (2020)
Well, to be honest, I never watch a Thai series before 2Gether. This time, I rewatch the series and I became really adored the story of Sarawat (Bright Vachirawit) and Tine (Win Metawin) here. In this sequel, the story is more focused on their journey as a long-term couple. There are so many sweets moment of them. One of my favourite scenes would be on the third episode of this series. Oh my goodness, Sarawat become sweeter and Tine is also being cuter.
2. Crash Course in Romance (2023)
To be honest, the reason I watched this series was because of Jung Kyungho who played Choi Chiyeol, the star teacher that admired by all of the high-school students, and also their parents. This drama is quite fresh and also funny. Therefore, we won't have to be bored.
Maybe, the mystery part of this series is a little bit vague, but I still love the story anyway. Also, clap to Jeon Doyeon who portrayed Nam Haengseon perfectly.
3. Alchemy of Souls Season 2: Light and Shadow (2022)
Actually, I love both Seasons 1 and 2. For me, the story between Jang-uk (Lee Jae Wook) and Naksu/Bu-yeon (Go Youn Jung) is very wholesome. Even though the second season is darker than the first one, I still find a bright vibe from Jang-uk and Bu-yeon. Argh, they are so cute being together. A lot of comedic scenes that made me smile throughout the entire series. What I love the most is, how in AoS 2, every conflict for each character can be resolved well at the end.
I really would like to recommend this series because the story is very enticing and fun.
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Image: GKIDS |
Tokyo is currently experiencing rain showers that seem to disrupt the usual pace of everyone living there to no end. Amidst this seemingly eternal downpour arrives the runaway high school student Hodaka Morishima, who struggles to financially support himself—ending up with a job at a small-time publisher. At the same time, the orphaned Hina Amano also strives to find work to sustain herself and her younger brother.
Both fates intertwine when Hodaka attempts to rescue Hina from shady men, deciding to run away together. Subsequently, Hodaka discovers that Hina has a strange yet astounding power: the ability to call out the sun whenever she prays for it. With Tokyo's unusual weather in mind, Hodaka sees the potential of this ability. He suggests that Hina should become a "sunshine girl"—someone who will clear the sky for people when they need it the most.
Things begin looking up for them at first. However, it is common knowledge that power always comes with a hefty price...
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Image: Net |
Title: My Heart Puppy
Screenwriter and Director: Jason Kim
Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Romance
Stars: Yoo Yeon-seok, Cha Tae-hyun, Park Ji-hyun, Jung In-sun, Kang Shin-il
Watched on Cinepolis, Depok Town Square
“Puppy” is a film about two men with puppy-like charms and their interactions with an actual dog. A man who is about to get married going through an adventure when he sets off with his friend to drop his dog off at the pet-sitters.
Jadi, alasan aku menonton My Heart Puppy adalah karena pemain utamanya adalah Yoo Yeon-seok dan harga tiketnya di bioskop cuma 20 ribu. Aku enggak tahu juga kenapa harga tiket film ini murah banget. Padahal, aku menontonnya di Cinepolis dan sepertinya tidak sedang ada promo apa-apa.
Jadi, cerita My Puppy bermula dari Min Soo (Yoo Yeon-seok) yang ingin menikahi pacarnya, Seong-kyeong (Jung In-sun). Akan tetapi, ternyata ada satu rahasia yang disimpan oleh Seong-kyeong, yakni alerginya terhadap air liur anjing, kalau aku tak salah ingat.
Hal ini membuat Min Soo mengalami dilema. Semenjak kematian ibunya, Min Soo telah ditemani oleh anjing kesayangannya, seekor golden retriever bernama Rooney. Setelah mendengar fakta soal alergi Seong-kyeong, Min Soo berjanji akan mencari cara supaya Rooney bisa dirawat oleh kerabatnya yang lain.
Nah, di sinilah perjalanan Min Soo mencari pemilik pengganti Rooney dimulai. Dibantu oleh kakak sepupunya, Jin-guk (Cha Tae-hyun), Minsoo berupaya berkeliling untuk mencarikan rumah baru bagi Rooney. Sayangnya, hal ini tidaklah mudah. Belum ada satu orang pun yang menurut Min Soo cocok untuk menjadi pemilik baru Rooney.
Jin-guk yang berjanji akan membantu Min-soo akhirnya mengusulkan supaya Min-soo bersama mencoba untuk bertemu dengan Ah-min (Kim Yoo-jung). Dari media sosialnya, terlihat kalau Ah-min memiliki ketertarikan untuk membuat shelter untuk anjing-anjing yang ada di sekitarnya. Permasalahannya, tempat Ah-min berada adalah di Pulau Jeju. Maka dari itu, Min-soo dan Jin-guk memulai perjalanan road trip mereka bersama Rooney dan kawan-kawan anjing lainnya--yang mereka temui di tengah jalan.
Sepertinya, ini adalah film Korea pertama yang aku tonton di bioskop. Hanya berbekal ketertarikan pada sosok Andrea, aku begitu saja dengan impulsif menonton film satu ini. Menurutku, film ini cocok sekali untuk healing. Cerita seputar hewan peliharaan selalu bisa memberikan kehangatan tersendiri menurutku.
Tentu saja, bagian road trip yang dilakukan oleh Min-soo dan Jin-guk menjadi momen-momen favoritku di film ini. Seru sekali melihat interaksi antar sepupu ini yang komikal dan juga suportif. Awalnya, aku kira film ini akan berakhir sedih--bagaimanapun, biasanya film dengan hewan di dalamnya, kebanyakan tidak berakhir bahagia. Untungnya, hal itu tidak terjadi. Bahkan, Min-soo akhirnya bisa menaydari betapa pentingnya keberadaan Rooney dalam hidupnya.
Lalu, awalnya aku mengira film ini juga akan cukup fokus ke kisah romansa antara Min-soo dan Seong-kyeong. Untungnya, hal itu tidak terjadi. Jadi, film ini memang fokus pada persaudaraan antara Min-soo dan Jin-guk beserta dengan Rooney dan kawan-kawan anjing lainnya.
Harus kuakui, a lot of scenes that made me crack up are when Min-soo and Jin-guk accidentally meet a lot of dogs on the way to Jeju Island. Banyak sekali momen yang membuat kita bakal ketawa karena ketidaktegaan mereka pada anjing-anjing lucu itu. Pokoknya, menurutku film ini cute sekali.
Aku sih, berharapnya bakal ada banyak film semacam My Heart Puppy ini. Betul-betul film yang pas untuk healing. Kita enggak bakal diajak pusing dengan cerita yang rumit. Kita hanya perlu bersiap tertawa dan melihat gemasnya Rooney dan anjing-anjing lainnya.
Jadi, 8.5 dari 10 bintang untuk teman-teman Rooney xD
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Image: drakorclass |
Title: Ghost Doctor
Original Title: ê³ ìŠ¤íŠ¸ 닥터
Director: Boo Sung Chul
Screenwriter: Kim Eun Hee
Genres: Comedy, Medical, Fantasy, Supernatural
Stars: Rain, Kim Bum, Uee, Son Na Eun, Sung Do Il
Watched on Netflix
Cha Young-Min (Rain) is a genius doctor, but he is arrogant and selfish. One day, he gets involved in an unexpected case. Due to the unexpected case, his spirit possesses another doctor's body. These two doctors are complete opposites, with opposite personalities and medical abilities.
So, for this month's Korean Culture Kdrama Class (KCKC), Ghost Doctor has been chosen. First, I didn't realize that it was Rain who played Cha Young Min. I also didn't have any expectations when watching this k-drama, but I end up enjoying it.
Cha Young Min (Rain) is a genius doctor with a specialization in cardiothoracic. Unfortunately, he is very arrogant and selfish. Then, there is Ko Seung Tak (Kim Bum) a resident doctor who also happened to be the grandson of the hospital's founder. This situation made Young Min despise Seung Tak. He believed that getting a residency position through connection is useless. Therefore, he asked Seung Tak to be placed in ER first.
As a doctor, Youg Min only cares about his career. Meanwhile, Seung Tak got some connection with the patient's feelings. These two doctors have very different personalities. Then, an accident happened and due to this, Young Min became a coma ghost and his spirit only can possess Seung Tak's body. At first, they bicker a lot, but after that, they strike a deal to save more patients' lives.
Well, like I said before, I didn't have any expectations when watching this k-drama. Even, I felt that this k-drama is too dramatic when I compared it to Hospital Playlist. But well, some of the elements on it made me curious. Therefore, I start to enjoy watching it slowly.
Since the first time, I did wonder how Young Min and Seung Tak could be connected. Is there any special connection between them that made Young Min can only possess Seung Tak's body? Then, I also wondered how Chairman Jang's son plan to get what he wants.
For me, the mystery that I am so curious is about Seung Tak's trauma. I wondered why he was so scared to do surgery on his own. Even just for treating a wound. Moreover, it has been told that Seung Tak got into an accident when he was a child and her dad passed away at that time. Did he witness some bloody accident and such when got into an accident?
Thankfully, all of those wonderings could be answered in the few last episodes of this drama. Start from the real identity of Socrates (the ghost that knows it all at the hospital), Seung Tak's traumatic accident, and how Young Min could get that amazing skill in surgery. What I didn't expect at all is, some of the episodes made me sob, especially when Seung Tak had dinner with his mom. It was so sad to see his mom actually know all along that Seung Tak pretended that everything is alright after that accident.
Well, I didn't expect that the story would be a little bit complicated. I felt bored at first when watching it. I also felt a little bit annoyed when Young Min tried to use Seung Tak's body to get Sejin back. I mean... It's just unfair for Seung Tak even though he agreed to let Young Min took the advantage of his body.
After all, this is an okay drama and the premise is quite unique. I also appreciate how Seung Tak is finally can overcome his trauma and being a skillful doctor in the end. Then, what I like the most is the resolution for the three coma ghost in the series. They
Well, 7.5 out of 10 for this k-drama.