Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl since January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.
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1. A Sky Beyond the Storm - Sabaa Tahir
I choose the fourth book for this series not because I have read all of the books before. I just remember that I have read the first book and I really love it. Back then when I was in college, I really wait for the second book. Then, I got busy with college stuff and end up haven't read the series yet.
Well, knowing that the fourth book is coming makes me exciting about this series. I should read the previous book soon, I supposed.
Expected publication: December 1st 2020
7. The Wicked Sister - Karen Dionne
2. Dust (Heirs of Neverland #1) - Kara Swanson
To be honest I just curious with the premise of this book. Seems like it's about retelling Peter Pan story. Well, reading a YA book is my favorite, tho. Maybe I can give it a try to read this book.
Expected publication: July 21st 2020
3. Instant Karma - Marissa Meyer
I recognized Marissa Meyer from her Lunar Chronicle's series. I like the way she composed the story. Then, when I search about the upcoming book release, I found that Meyer will publish a contemporary romance book. Well, it's a little bit different from her YA fantasy series. I just want to know how Meyer executes this genre.
Expected publication: November 3rd 2020
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4. The Shadows - Alex North
I interest to read this book because of the excerpt. Even though I couldn't watch either horror or thriller movie, but I wouldn't mind to read. So, reading a mystery book like this would be very exciting for me.
Expected publication: July 7th 2020
5. Girl, Serpent, Thorn - Melissa Bashardoust
Another book from the upcoming book release that I interest because of the excerpt. Fantasy is one of my favorite genre. So, it makes me wonder how bad is the curse that Soraya have to carry?
Expected publication: July 7th 2020
6. His & Hers - Alice Feeney
To be honest, I never read a modern crime book as long as I remember. I mean, I always read Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot's story. So, I think reading the modern one would be another experience for me.
For this book, I interest with the premise and wondering what's happening actually? Who is the actual murder? How the two main characters would be connected?
Expected publication: July 28th 2020
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7. The Wicked Sister - Karen Dionne
I think I always interest to read a mystery story. This book is ofc one of book that I interests. From the excerpt, I am wondering what the real mystery that happened in this book? Who is the one who murdered her parents? It makes me curious.
Expected publication: August 4th 2020
8. The Lion of Fifth Avenue - Fiona Davis
It's been a while since the last time I read a historical fiction. This book is really interesting for me because the main character is starting to question her traditional role as wife and mother. Hmm, it's very interesting how the story build around Laura Lyons.
Expected publication: August 4th 2020
9. To Sleep in a Sea of Stars - Christopher Paolini
Last week, I said that Eragon is one of my TBR that I haven'r finished yet. But, when I saw the name of Chritoper Paolini in the upcoming book list, I immediately click the book. Well, this book is about human and alien. I think the journey would be very interesting.
Expected publication: September 15th 2020
10. The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue - V.E. Schwab
When you have sealed a deal with a devil and there's something that not supposed to be happened is happening, it's time to question what's happening.
The premise of this book is very interesting. I wonder what happened to Addie's deal? How come someone can recognized her? Or, maybe that person is not a human?
Expected publication: October 6th 2020
To be honest, I tried to find any Indonesian book that will be released on 2020. Unfortunately, I have no clue about this. Sigh. I know that this list is super random because I never check any upcoming release book before, but, well, I have a lot of fun when searching these book.
So, what's on your list for today's TTT? It would be very interesting to share what book that we waited the most.