Hi, there!

I think, this is the first time I made an actual Music Video review in this blog. Today, I would like to discuss about  '대취타' (Daechwita) by Agust D. As we know, Agust D is another persona from Suga BTS. Well, I have to admit that BTS is a new thing for me. I've just fell into the rabbit hole since February. So, everything is kind of a new journey for me.

Sumber: Twitter/Big Hit, edited by me

At first, I thought that my bias would be Jungkook. I mean, I interest with his quirkiness, but then, after watching a lot of BTS' content, I am captivated to Suga and choose him as my bias. 

The Mysterious teaser

Recently, Big Hit dropped a mysterious teaser with the black and white image with countdown in the middle of it. No one knows exactly what's the meaning behind of it. Some of it thinks that it would be the announcement of Muster or Bangbang Con. Then, when the image getting a little bit clearer, more speculation were arising from the possibility of Agust D 2 and JJK 1. 

Sumber: Big Hit

Realizing what's happening, I thought that it would be impossible for Agust D 2 will come out soon. Three weeks ago, Suga held his weekly radio streaming via VLive, DJ Suga's Honey FM 06.13 with RM #0613FM_0502. He was asked by fans about the continuation of Agust D. 

RM: (reading fans comment) When Will Agust D2 be out? It's not fixed as the title, is it?
Suga: It can be released only when it's finished.
RM: Right. He's working on it.
Suga: I've been working on it. Talking about some related stories... It was supposed to be released around September last year... Please don't wait for it, forget about it for a while... What I can tell you now is, that the music will not be released anytime soon. Not close at all.
RM: Not close?
Suga: Not today or tomorrow. Please wait for a while and I'll come back with good music.

After streaming that radio, I believe that Suga's word is true. So, I tried to push my imagination that the mysterious teaser will related to Agust D 2.

But then, some people has found out that the Agust D's photo profile at Apple Music has changed and resembled a lot with the mysterious teaser. So, me is starting to learn that #AgustD2iscoming. For real.

Anyway, when this thing trended at Twitter, I noticed another trending along with #AgustD2iscoming. It was All Man do is a Lie. This word trending because of the fact that Agust D2 is literally coming and when at some point Suga ever lied about BTS' come back date. That's how that sentence related to Suga.

D-2 is Out

Today, on 04.00 PM UTC+7, I checked my Twitter and found out that Agust D is literally out. I was very speechless and couldn't do anything. So, after telling Zis about this and nearly borrow her Apple Music ID, I try to calm my self down. Then, I tried to search in Spotify and found out the entire album.

After that, I realized that it should be an MV for this mixtape and I was really surprised when Zis told me there's a real MV has dropped at the same time. One word for the MV is incredible.

Maybe, I will babbling a lot for this part. So, please bear with it.

The lead single for the D-2 album is '대취타' (Daechwita). The MV is ridiculous and interesting. 

To be honest, I don't know how to start this review. I got a lot of things going on my mind.

All right. Let me tried to explain about the title first. Since the title is in Korean, I tried to Google it before I watched the MV. In case I need some basic knowledge regarding what will happened--even though I am still not ready to watch it, tho.

Based on Wikipedia, Daechwita means a genre of Korean traditional music consisting of military music played by wind and percussion instrument. After reading this, I know what could I expect. Traditional vibe in the MV?--anyway, I have listened to the song before watched the MV.

The Incredible MV

According to Yoongi's interview with TIME, the theme Daechwita was already in his mind from the beginning. So, he sampled the sound of the real Daechwita. The first thought, he wanted to sample the music that is played during the ceremonial walk of the King. Naturally, those elements ended up being the essential component to the track as well as the music video.

The MV is starting with Yoongi with his King's clothes. You can see the throne and his traditional outfit. Not to mention about his long-blonde hair. Stand up from his throne, he walked with much of confidence and goes to the Palace's courtyard. Then, you can see a lot of dead bodies lying there.

Sumber: Big Hit

After that, we can look another Yoongi's persona is walking down around the village. Why I said another Yoongi's persona? Because I could see that Yoongi with the King clothes and the one who walked in the village has different vibe. I don't know which one is Agust D or Suga or Yoongi. So, I will named them as Yoongi the King and Yoongi the boss.

He just passing by while rapping his verse. I like these market scene, tho. It's literally remind me of the Korean Drama Jewel in the Palace. They looks so authentic and you can find Jin and Jungkook being the cameo. 

In another place, Yoongi the king come down to the courtyard. He is surrounding by a lot of people who is kneeling down to him. I am not sure whether those people is alive or dead. But, I could tell that the are kneeling as if they are afraid to stand up against Yoongi.

The scene back to Yoongi the boss. He and his gang looks like preparing to do something. I can feel that he wants to confront something or maybe someone. 

Meanwhile, Yoongi the king still continue to wonder around the courtyard. Here is the interesting lyrics from this scene.

Who's the king, who's the boss
You all know my name
Off their heads

At this point, I know that this song is dissing someone. I believe this song is also for haters--just like Agust D mixtape in 2016. But, I sense that there will be something more than dissing haters.

Sumber:Big Hit

Next, we can see Yoongi the King stand up in the balcony. He is looking for the execution tradition in the courtyard. I tried to look more about this tradition, but I just couldn't find more about this reference. I mean, I never trust Wikipedia for this kind of thing and another source that I know is from Twitter. Like, seriously?

Then, I tried again and found an article from Gwangju News. I don't know whether this is the right reference or not, but the corporal punishment happened to be during the Joseon Dynasty.  One of types of punishment form this era is the death penalty with beheading the guilty one.

In the MV, you could see that the executor is beheading someone and saved the head into the wooden box. As you can see in the first courtyard scene, there are a wooden box beside each of the dead body. So, you can assume that all of them is person that has be punished by Yoongi the king.

After that, Yoongi the boss arrived at the palace and Yoongi the king could sense it. Both of them are smirking to each other. At this point, I don't what I could expect from the story.

The next scene is when Yoongi the boss rapping again. In this scene, you can see the sketch of Bang PD that mentioned by Yoongi.

Woo, who says time is money
My time is worth more than that

The lyrics is very strong and you just can't skip the "I'm so thankful I'm a genius" part. 

I don't know what's happening but seems like Yoongi the boss has been caught by the Yoongi the king's guard. He is tied and starting to rap with a slow-paced. 

I got everything I wanted, what more'll make me feel contented
I wanted clothes clothes, then money money, then goal goal, now what's next
Yeah what's next, here come my reality check there's nowhere higher
I only locked up and now I want to look down and put my feet on the ground
I am king, I'm a boss
Remember my name
All shit-talk they got no game
Off with their heads

Sumber: Big Hit

Then, you can see that Yoongi the boss is blindfolded and being dragged to the Palace' courtyard. To be honest, I wonder what's Yoongi's fault here? Insulting the king or what?  

The climax from this MV happened when the executor is starting his ritual to beheaded Yoongi the boss. Yoongi itself, is starting to head-banging and followed by all of the people in the courtyard. Who are they? I really don't have any idea, to be honest.

At the other hand, Yoongi the king only watch and smirk I guess. When the music is stopped, you can see that the executor has swung his sword to the Yoongi the boss. Is he dead?

Fortunately, he isn't. The executor handed the gun to Yoongi the boss. Then, Yoongi started to walk toward Yoongi the king and... you know what will happened next, right?

Is this a duality of persona?

Sumber: Big HIt

I believe that both of Yoongi the king and Yoongi the boss is representing something. Whether it will be Suga, Agust D, or Yoongi persona, or anything else. But I believe that they are the same person. 

I know that there are a lot of things happened in the MV and I believed that I know nothing about it. I will wait for the explanation video from my favorite Youtuber for this one. 

As for me, I think this song is kind of dissing haters and maybe a revelation of the life goals of Yoongi as an artist. I don't know if I make any sense or not, but I think that this song is so much more about dissing hatters.

Even though I have a lot of to say, I just couldn't write it one by one right away. Just like Jimin ever said, it's like there's a hole in my head. So much to take and I don't know how to express it.


This MV is absolutely incredible. The song is very lively and catchy. I think, I'll do the mixtape review for D-2. I don't know when will I post it, but I'll try to make it one.

Anyway, I love all of the songs from this mixtape. Agust D 2 is very iconic and worth to wait. 

Thank you, Yoongi!


Sumber: YouTube/Big Hit, edited by me


Setelah kemarin saya mengulas film pendek dari Beomgyu, sekarang saatnya saya membahas film selanjutnya dari TXT Universe. Untuk film ketiga ini, giliran Yeonjun yang muncul. Oh, ya, sebelum saya membuat artikel ini, saya sempat menonton To Do TXT yang merupakan variety show untuk TXT--sama seperti Run BTS! 

Nah, setelah menonton salah satu episode, saya penasaran dengan urutan umur dari para member TXT. Saya dari awal mengira Soobin merupakan member tertua. Ternyata saya salah dan yang benar adalah Yeonjun. Smh. Tapi kalau ditanya urutan lengkapnya, saya tidak tahu siapa yang lebih tua di antara Beomgyu dan Taehyun.

Baiklah. Demikian nostalgianya. Kembali ke pembahasan utama. Film pendek berdurasi 1:05 ini masih sama dengan film pendek sebelumnya. Tidak ada konsep yang berubah. Kamu bisa menonton film pendeknya di sini:

Di film pendek ini, jelas sekali Yeonjun terlihat lebih kurus dibandingkan sekarang. Sekarang, Yeonjun terlihat jauh lebih berisi. Apa karena sudah tidak ada batasan makanan? Mungkin saja. Salah satu poin penting dari video ini adalah hewan yang muncul. Saya tahu dalam video ini para hewan itu di-shoot sedemikian rupa supaya terlihat artistik. Masalahnya, saya masih tidak bisa menyebutkan dengan tepat hewan apa ini. Ulat? Atau hewan lain?

Sumber: YouTube/Big Hit

Sampai sekarang, saya belum ada bayangan apa hubungan antara hewan-hewan ini dengan bunga yang digunakan di seluruh film pendek TXT. 

Untuk peletakan bunga, tentu saja saya bisa mengenali posisi yang digunakan. Untuk Yeonjun, ia memposisikan bunga yang ia pegang di depan lehernya. Jadi, jelas bahwa seluruh pose yang diambil bukan sekadar lalu. Dan saya harus mengingat fakta bahwa Big Hit selalu memberikan easter egg untuk seluruh video yang termasuk ke dalam universe yang dibangun. Jadi, mulai sekarang saya sudah tidak heran dengan kebetulan-kebetulan yang tercipta.

Yeonjun dengan bunga di depan leher. Sumber: YouTube/Big Hit.

Bagian terakhir tentu saja adalah pemecahan kode morse. Saya rasa, untuk film pendek Yeonjun ini, kode morse yang dilampirkan jauh lebih mudah diartikan. Tidak seperti kode morse Hueningkai yang membuat saya betul-betul tak bisa membedakan titik dan strip. Awalnya tadi saya mencoba untuk sekadar menebak kalau kata yang terbentuk adalah together.  Akan tetapi, setelah saya dengarkan dengan saksama, kode yang bisa saya dengar adalah sebagai berikut:


Yap, dengan demikian kata yang terbentuk dari kode tersebut adalah promise. Jadi, sejauh ini kalimat yang terbentuk dari seluruh film pendek TXT adalah, Tomorrow, secret, hope, promise. Dengan kode-kode yang telah terpecahkan, saya jadi meragukan kalau nantinya kode tersebut membentuk kalimat. Tapi, mari kita lihat besok. Bagaimanapun, Big Hit selalu punya cara tersendiri untuk membangun universe yang saling berkaitan.

Demikian pembahasan saya kali ini. Sampai jumpa di pembahasan saya selanjutnya.


Sumber: YouTube/Big Hit, edited by me

Happy Sunday, everyone!

Kali ini saya kembali dengan pembahasan film pendek untuk TXT Universe #3. Film pendek kali ini memperkenalkan Beomgyu. Masih sama dengan konsep dua film sebelumnya, bunga masih menjadi unsur penting dalam film ini. Untuk Beomgyu, warna merah rupanya mendominasi. Menurut saya, untuk Soobin dan Hueningkai, mereka lebih banyak didominasi warna biru. Kalau ditanya bunga apa yang digunakan untuk Beomgyu ini, jujur saya tidak tahu. Akan tetapi, vibe dari video Beomgyu menjadi berbeda dengan warna merah tersebut.

Kalian bisa menonton video Beomgyu di sini:

Berhubung konsep yang digunakan masih sama, maka dalam video ini juga jelas terlihat ada gambar hewan yang diselipkan. Apakah itu kupu-kupu? Apa hubungannya dengan TXT Universe dalam garis besar? Saya tidak punya gagasan mengenai itu. Sejauh yang saya tahu, saya belum menemukan unsur hewan-hewan ini di MV Nap of a Star yang sudah pernah saya tonton. Ataukah nanti berhubungan dengan Magic Island? Atau malah sama sekali tidak ada hubungannya? Saya betul-betul tidak punya bayangan.

Sumber: YouTube/Big Hit

Kemudian, untuk shoot Beomgyu dengan bunga, tentu saja berhubungan dengan foto pre debut dan juga MV Nap of a Star. Kali ini, Beomgyu meletakkan bunga tersebut di bagian bahu kirinya. Secara singkat saya bisa mengatakan bahwa bunga tersebut sebetulnya berfungsi untuk menutupi sesuatu. Apa yang sebetulnya ditutupi? Semuanya akan terjawab dalam pembahasan MV Nap of Star nanti.

Bagi saya, MV Nap of a Star meurpakan definisi MV yang cukup creepy. Seluruh unsur yang ditampilkan sangat surreal dan sulit dicerna. Semoga nanti saya bisa memahami semua simbolisme yang ada waktu membahas MV ini.

Sumber: YouTube/Big Hit

TXT Universe tak akan lengkap tanpa adanya kode morse yang dilampirkan. Jujur, saya masih kesulitan untuk memecahkan kode tersebut. Jeda antar huruf dalam video ini menurut saya sangatlah samar. Jadi, memang sulit untuk mengidentifikasi titik dan garis di dalamnya. Akhirnya, saya berhasil mengetahui arti kode morse tersebut karena saya tak sengaja melihat komentar teratas dari video ini dan mendengarkan ulang.

Well, kalau sebelumnya saya mengira kalimat yang akan terbentuk dari setiap kode morse dalam film ini adalah Tomorrow secret will be revealed, sekarang saya tahu kalau saya salah. Karena kode morse dalam video Beomgyu adalah sebagai berikut:


Arti dari kode tersebut adalah hope. Dengan demikian, kalimat yang terbentu sejauh ini adalah, "Tomorrow secret, hope". Bagian ini memang membuat saya menjadi semakin penasaran dengan seluruh kalimat yang akan terbentuk dari seluruh rangkaian film ini. Sepertinya saya harus lebih rajin membuat konten ini--bagaimanapun saya sudah tidak sabar untuk mengulas MV dari TXT.

Baiklah. Sampai jumpa di pembahasan saya selanjutnya.


Sumber: YouTube/Big Hit, edited by me
Halo, akhirnya saya kembali dengan pembahasan selanjutnya dari TXT Universe. Yap, beberapa hari lalu domain saya kedaluwarsa, alhasil blog ini tidak dapat diakses karena saya belum mendapat balasan dari developer. Untunglah hari ini domain saya sudah bisa saya gunakan kembali.

Untuk pembahasan kedua ini, saya akan membahas film pendek kedua dari TXT. Kali ini, giliran dari Hueningkai, maknae dari TXT.

Kalian bisa menonton filmnya di sini:
Sama seperti film pendek Soobin, dalam veideo berdurasi 1:03 ini, Hueningkai dikelilingi oleh bunga-bunga--yang lagi-lagi saya tidak tahu apa nama bunganya. Seluruh konsep mirip. Yang berbeda adalah jenis bunga yang digunakan dan tentunya, cara Hueningkai memegang bunga dalam film ini.

Apabila Soobin meletakkan bunga miliknya di telinga, maka Hueningkai memposisikan bunga itu dadanya. Terima kasih pada explained video yang pernah saya tonton, saya tahu bahwa posisi bunga ini akan berhubungan dengan MV Nap of a Star.

Sumber: YouTube/Big Hit
Hal lain yang menarik perhatian saya--dan saya lewatkan di film pendek Soobin adalah keberadaan hewan yang disorot di sela-sela Hueningkai maupun Soobin berpose di antara bunga dan ilalang. Permasalahan muncul kembali karena saya tidak tahu apakah itu ular atau iguana. Di film Soobin, saya malah tidak punya bayangan. Apakah itu belalang?

Pertanyaan paling mendasar, apakah hewan-hewan ini nanti akan berhubungan dengan jalannya storyline TXT? Kalau iya, saya betul-betul harus mencari contekan-_-

Untuk kode morse di akhir video, jujur saja saya kesulitan untuk memecahkannya--dan jujur saya gagal. Bahkan saya cuma berhasil memecahkan dua huruf saja. Mengapa demikian? karena jeda antar huruf di video ini sangat cepat. Alhasil, saya salah dengar dan gagal mengartikannya.

Setelah mencoba mencari jawaban secara cepat di Google, akhirnya saya paham apa yang disampaikan dalam kode tersebut.


Yap, kode tersebut berarti secret. Jadi, apabila digabungkan dengan kode dari Soobin, maka membentuk kalimat "Tomorrow secret". Kalau saya sekadar berasumsi, mungkin kalimat yang akan dibentuk adal tomorrow secret will be revealed. Itu sekadar asumsi saja. Siapa tahu ternyata malah sama sekali berbeda hasilnya.

Upaya saya dalam mengartikan kode morse Hueningkai.
Jadi, demikian pembahasan untuk film pendek TXT kali ini. Saya tak sabar ingin membahas film selanjutnya.


Hello, there!

Kali ini, saya akan mencoba mendalami universe dari Tomorrow by Together (TXT). Sebagai saudara dari BTS, tentu TXT juga memiliki universe-nya sendiri. Bahkan, banyak yang berteori bahwa Bangtan Universe (BU) dan TXT Universe (TU) akan berhubungan satu sama lain.

Sumber: YoutTube/Big Hit, edited by me
To be honest, saya sudah sempat menonton explained video untuk TU. Akan tetapi, akhirnya saya putuskan untuk menonton ulang seluruh konsep TU dari awal. Sebetulnya, saya ingin juga membahas BU. Permasalahannya, saya sudah telanjur menonton Summary + Explained Video dari BU. Jadi, saya tidak bisa menuliskan initial reaction saya setelah menonton potongan jalan cerita BU dari awal.

Maka dari itu, saya putuskan untuk mengulas TU dari awal.

Untuk menjalankan misi ini, maka saya pun menyelami artikel TU di TXT Fandom. Dari sini lah saya tahu bahwa ada sejumlah hal yang harus saya perhatikan dari awal.

Sebelum debut, konten dari TU telah disajikan oleh Big Hit Entertainment. Hal ini bermula dari Pre-debut Photo yang dilampirkan--anyway, berhubung saya telanjur menonton explained video, maka saya tahu bahwa foto dari anggota TXT ini meyimbolkan peran mereka di MV Nap of a Star.

Berikut merupakan foto pre-debut dari TXT.

Yeonjun. Sumber: Kpopping
Soobin. Sumber: Kpopping
Hueningkai. Sumber: Kpopping
Taehyun. Sumber: Kpopping
Beomgyu. Sumber: Kpopping
Sebetulnya, kalau dilihat sekilas, tak ada yang istimewa dari foto-foto tersebut. Akan tetapi, kalau dihubungkan dengan Nap of a Star, bagaimana cara masing-masing member memegang bunga ternyata memiliki arti tersendiri--nanti akan saya bahas di pembahasan MV Nap of a Star.

Yang pasti saya tidak bisa membayangkan bagaimana dulu BU dimulai. Apakah Big Hit juga melakukan metode yang sama di awal BU disusun? Dalam artian, setiap foto, produk, ataupun hal lainnya, bisa begitu berarti untuk keseluruhan storyline. 

Tampaknya, Big Hit memang ahli dalam mengikat para penggemar terhadap masing-masing grup yang mereka asuh.

What do you see in Soobin?

Kali ini, saya akan mengulas film pendek TXT pertama yang berjudul 'Questioning Film - What do you see?' - Soobin. 

Kalian bisa menonton filmnya di sini:
Sebagai video perkenalan, tentu film pendek ini berfokus pada Soobin. Akan tetapi, yang terus saya perhatikan adalah bagaimana bunga selalu menjadi elemen penting dalam TU. Kalau kita lihat dari foto pre debut, hingga film pendek untuk Soobin ini, maka bunga tetap menjadi elemen penting.

Saya memang tidak tahu jenis bunga apa yang digunakan, dan apakah jenis bunga ini berpengaruh pada jalannya storyline. Akan tetapi, saya langsung bisa mengenali cara Soobin memegang bunga--sekali lagi saya menyadari hal ini karena saya sempat menonton salah satu explained video. Ternyata, cara Soobin tersebut berkaitan langsung dengan apa yang terjadi padanya di MV Nap of a Star. 

Sumber: YouTube/Big Hit
Tidak hanya itu, di bagian akhir, ada bebunyian yang saya pastikan merupakan kode morse. Memang awalnya terdengar sebagai bunyi biasa yang mungkin tanpa arti, akan tetapi setelah saya berusaha mendengarkan lebih lanjut, saya berhasil memecahkan kode morse tersebut.

Kalau saya tak salah, seharusnya kode morse yang terlampir dalam film pendek Soobin adalah sebagai berikut:

[ --/---/--/---/.-./.-./---/..- ]

Arti dari kode morse tersebut adalah tomorrow. Kemungkinan besar, apabila seluruh kode morse yang terlampir disambungkan, maka akan terbentuk kalimat utuh. Ini asumsi sementara saya karena saya belum menonton film selanjutnya.

Sebetulnya, setelah sebelumya saya menonton Nap of a Star, saya berksesimpulan bahwa TXT Universe memiliki storyline yang lebih dreamy bila dibandingkan dengan Bangtan Universe. Meskipun sama-sama melibatkan unsur fantasi di dalamnya, saya meyakini TXT Universe akan lebih surreal dibandingkan Bangtan Universe yang jauh lebih realistic.

Sekian ulasan saya kali ini. Sampai jumpa di pembahasan saya selanjutnya.


The Bell Jar

"If you expect nothing from somebody you are never disappointed." 

Source: Goodreads.com
Title: The Bell Jar
Author: Sylvia Plath
Publisher: Faber and Faber
Year of publishing: 1999 (first published in 1963 by Willia Heinemann Limited)
Number of pages: 257

The Bell Jar is Sylvia Plath's only novel. Renowned for its intensity and outstandingly vivid prose, it broke existing boundaries between fiction and reality and helped to make Plath an enduring feminist icon. 
It was published under a pseudonym a few weeks before the author's suicide.

A gift from my lecturer when I was in college

Finally, I understand why this book is very dark and gloomy. Then, I also understand why many people said that Sylvia Plath is a feminist icon in her era.

To be honest, I never expect that I could have this book. Yeah, my lecturer suddenly gave this book in one of my consultation sessions. After that, I made a promise that I have to read this book. No matter how hard and dark is the story.

At first, it was very hard to read this book. Moreover, the language is somehow couldn't be understood easily. Then, the story itself is overlapping. So, I was a little bit confused when I read this book.

I have to agree with the synopsis of this book. This is a shocking, realistic, and intense story about women. Esther Greenwood is a student with a brilliant future. She got a scholarship, the opportunity to get an internship program in a prominent company, and so on. You can say that she is very fortunate.

But then, everything that Esther feel seems very confusing. She didn't know what's the purpose of her life. She couldn't decide what she want to do in her life. After that, Esther was very broken. She couldn't think. At first, writing is Esther's way of life. She could express many things through her writing. Even, she knew that she was best at writing. Then, after all of that realization, Esther couldn't write anymore.

Esther was losing herself. She just felt that she live inside the bell jar without any way out. In the end, Esther has tried to end her life. She felt no longer important to live anymore.

Source: wallpaper fiare, edited by me

A lot of things happened in this book. Mental health? Suicidal thought? Feminism? Social moral? Yeah, I think you could find all of those issues in this book. This is indeed a dark and gloomy book.

Some people said that this book could be defined as a journey of Esther's craziness. Well, it's not false at all. From this book, I exactly can feel how people act toward someone who ever tried to suicide. I know a person like Esther is very fragile. But, it doesn't mean that she was crazy, right? Of course, she needs help from professionals, but the way everyone around her looks at her is very complicated.

To be honest, I wonder, how much similar is the life of Esther and Sylvia? This story in some way felt so realistic. Maybe I won't be surprised at all if Esther is Sylvia herself. The fact that Sylvia end herself after this book has been published, made me feel that maybe The Bell Jar is the final thought from Sylvia towards everything. This book is about Sylvia's thoughts about women, writing, life, mental health, and suicide.

I have to admit that I got some difficulties finishing this book. I almost give up every time I read this book. But, finally, I can finish it and got many lessons from it.

I really don't want to recommend you to read this book if you don't have any stable conditions.

4 out of 5 stars for the only one book from Sylvia Plath.
