Stories for Rainy Days Volume 2
I never feel that I am the one who loves more or he is the one who loves more. Our love is equal.

by Naela Ali

3 of 5 stars
Image source: Goodreads

Title: Story for Rainy Days Volume II
Author: Naela Ali
Date of publish: February, 2017
Designer: Naela Ali
Illustrator: Naela Ali
Editor: Katrine Gabby Kusuma
Publisher: POP
ISBN: 978-602-424-290-9
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It was still raining.
As her cat looked outside
the window where the raindrops
fell on to the monstera leaves,
she put that furry little thing
on her lap and continued
reading the stories.

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Reading the volume II of Story for Rainy Days still make me heartwarming. It was good and also, make me feel sad. Even though for the illustration, I like the first volume, but this book still good. I like the way Naela did her creation. 

Love is not a competition of winning each other's attention. Love is a teamwork.-- pg. 5
You are home to me. A place I will miss when I'm away. A place where I belong.-- pg. 24. 

Actually, I am really wondering, is this book based on Naela's story? Or, this is just her thinking about life and relationship? I have to admit that I am a drama queen. I could sad because of what I read.. I could laugh because of what I a heard. I could angry angry because of what I saw. So, when I can literally cry because of Naela's word, it's just because I couldn't handle to cry.

His body was still with me but his heart had been away for so long that I didn't notice when was the last time I had it in mine.-- pg. 85.

The thing from Naela's work and word are, I could relate in some parts. Like, I wanna scream and say, "this is so me". If I am not mistaken, Naela said that actually November is her month. She is really waiting for November. Then, something happened, so she really hate November. Well, I have the same experience. For me--and for another people, February is really a sweet month. But, something happened and I decided to say that, I hate Valentine. Wait, is this story appear on the first volume? Eugh. Sorry for my mixed-mind. Fyuuh. I just checked and it was true that the story about November is on this volume.

November was my favorite month. The month I was always looking for. But now, November is just another month passing. Nothing special to look forward to.-- pg. 95.
People have their own way of saying goodbye, it might be cruel or it might be so tender that you didn't notice it was a farewell.-- pg. 104. 

Well, most of Naela's word is about relationship. The thing that.. I don't really success of. Lol. Oh, c'mon, Puj. What do you expect from your past relationship? Nothing, right? Just give you more pain, tho. Not pain, actually. Just something that would make you stuck. Stuck to get close with another person. Yeah, could be. I mean, I couldn't really easily to get close with another person. Maybe, it's because of my mind still stuck and think that... relationship just make me hurt. Lol. I still couldn't believe what relationship could affect me after all this time. It's been more than five years but I still hesitate to get another story of my own relationship.

I think love is no different than cactus. Everybody knows that it's going to hurt if you touch them, but you touch it anyway. -- pg. 143.
Maybe we will meet again, in the older version of us. That day we will be ready for each other. Not right now, when we are so destructive, killing each other with our own egos. One day, I will be right for you and you will be right for me. Not today, but someday. Eventually. -- pg. 163. 
Okay, then, in essence, I am falling in love with what Naela Ali's do. She is amazing and has a good talent. I think I wanna know about her latest book. Eugh, actually I am a little bit sad because I couldn't attend her book launching because I was sick :( Right, then.

3 stars for the cat :)

Puji P. Rahayu
Goodnight, Mr. Clutterbuck
Mr. Clutterbuck is a hero of the town in his sleep

by Mauri Kunnas

4 of 5 stars

image source:
Title: Goodnight, Mr. Clutterbuck
Series: Herra Hakkarainen #1
Genre: Children's fiction and illustrated book
Author: Mauri Kunnas
Number of pages: 36 pages
Expected Publication: November 28th, 2017
Publisher: Elsewhere
ISBN: 0914671766
I got this ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

Mr. Clutterbuck is blissfully unaware of his reputation as the busiest and loudest sleepwalker in town. Meek and mild-mannered when awake, at night Mr. Clutterbuck seeks thrills and adventures. Often the accidental instigator of chaos, Mr. Clutterbuck soon becomes the lead singer of a rock band, an entrepreneur, a disco king, and, eventually, the hero of his town.

More information:

Yeay! Another children book for me.
Well, when I read children book, I always remind my self that, there's always no word of late to read this kind of book. *self-defense. 

Actually, I read this book because I wanna some escape from reading article journal or any other material for my college. Eugh. I know that being a final year student is not easy. But, I just need some escape beside playing in Telegram. Ups. Yes, I am playing some game in Telegram and it's really fun. You have to try some day.

Okay. Back to this ARC. I got this ARC on Netgalley. Since the first time I joined Netgalley, I always like to read children book because I am falling in love with illustration book. For this book, I really apprecate what Mauri Kunnas did. Kunnas, in my opinion, did a great job with the story. Of course. I like what Mr. Clutterbuck did.

From the blurb, you would know that Mr. Clutterbuck was a sleepwalker. Without realizing, at every night, Mr. Clutterbuck got so many adventures. From helping some food industry until catch a thief. The thing is, Mr Clutterbuck never realized that he became the hero of the town.

When I read this, I really like the illustration. I don't know why but I felt that the illustration of this book is different from another children book that I've ever read--like Happy Birthday and Happiness doesn't Come from Handstand. It's more like painting for me than just illustrated book. Honestly, I really love it.

Then, when I searched about this book in Goodreads, I just realized that this book is the first book of the series. Lol. Should I read the next book? It could be of course. If I could acces the second book. Right then, I feel satisfy when I read this book. So fun and relaxing.

4 stars for the Mr. Clutterbuck's adventure.

Puji P. Rahayu
Passion Stories
Menggali inspirasi kreatif dari para maestro dalam berkarya dan menghidupkan lentera jiwanya.

oleh Qalbinur Nawawi

Image source: Goodreads
Judul buku: Passion Stories
Penulis: Qalbinur Nawawi
Editor: Fachmy Casofa
Desain sampul dan isi: Dian Nurwendah
Foto: Istimewa
Proofreader: Hartanto dan Cahyadi H. Prabowo
Tahun terbit: Mei 2017
Penerbit: Metagraf, creative imprint of Tiga Serangkai
Tebal buku: 158 halaman
ISBN: 978-602-6328-28-1
Buntelan dari penulis

Belajar bagaimana pentingnya menjadi diri sendiri dari Rinni Wulandari, terus belajar dan memperbaharui diri seperti Hendy Setiono. Membangun relasi dan kerja tuntas seperti Sandiaga Uno, mau berproses dari “bawah” seperti Dion Wiyoko, menjadi sosok yang unik seperti Whulandary Herman. Punya target yang dikejar seperti Arbain Rambey dan Taufik Hidayat. Berani total seperti Umar Syarif. Asah kemampuan sambil berkarya dari Dewa Budjana. Dan punya sistem produktivitas seperti Dewi Lestari.

Informasi lebih lanjut dapat dibaca di:

Saya pernah mengikuti satu seminar, menemukan good job bukanlah suatu hal yang mudah. Good job sendiri dapat didefinisikan sebagai penyeimbangan antara kebutuhan kerja dengan passion yang kita miliki. Terkadang, seseorang hidup hanya untuk bekerja. Ia cenderung meminggirkan passion yang ia miliki. Orientasi yang dimiliki oleh orang tersebut hanyalah uang, uang, dan uang. Pada akhirnya, orang tersebut akan lebih tertekan karena dituntut untuk menjalani hal yang tak ia sukai.

There is no elevator to success. Dalam artian, tidak ada sukses yang instan. Semua yang berhasil harus diawali dengan usaha yang "berdarah-darah". - Hendy Setiono.
Passion Stories merupakan, sebut saja, kumpulan cerita dari sepuluh orang yang memiliki profesi berbeda-beda. Mulai dari pengusaha, fotografer, entertainer, atlet, hingga penulis. Masing-masing cerita memberikan pemahaman sendiri mengenai bagaimana pada akhirnya passion menjadi salah satu unsur dalam kesuksesan di bidang masing-masing.

Dalam buku ini, Qalbinur berhasil mengulas kisah sukses dari sepuluh orang yang berbeda. Ada Hendy Setiono, Sandiaga Uno, Dewa Budjana, Dion Wiyoko, Arbain Rambey, Whulandary Herman, Umar Syarief, Rinni Wulandari, Dewi Lestari, dan Taufik Hidayat. Kesepuluh orang tersebut memiliki kisah sukses masing-masing dan nyatanya mencoba untuk terus mengejar passion masing-masing. Padahal, bekerja sesuai dengan passion bukanlah suatu hal yang mudah. Banyak tantangan yang harus dihadapi. Mulai dari penolakan dari orang tua, hingga ketidakpastian finansial. Tapi nyatanya, kesepuluh orang tersebut berhasil menjadi diri mereka sendiri.

Edited by me.
Pertama kali saya membaca deskripsi mengenai buku ini, saya langsung tertarik. Mengapa? Karena saya adalah orang yang mudah kagum terhadap kegigihan seseorang yang begitu mendalami passion-nya. Istilahnya, orang-orang tersebut berusaha sebisa mungkin untuk memperjuangkan apa yang mereka sukai. Membaca setiap kisah tentunya membuat saya bertanya-tanya, apakah saya dapat melakukan hal yang sama?

Passion adalah potensi atau bakat yang ada pada setiap orang. Saya percaya bahwa setiap orang diberikan bakat oleh Tuhan dan tugas kita adalah mencari dan mengasahnya. - Dewa Budjana.
Passion adalah salah satu faktor yang bikin saya nyaman--apa pun yang saya kerjakan. - Dion Wiyoko.
Kisah-kisah yang disajikan dalam buku ini, dicoba dijelaskan dalam format wawancara. Well, saya lumayan menyukainya karena perkataan dari masing-masing narasumber terasa lebih hidup. Apalagi, penggunaan bahasanya pun cukup mudah dipahami dan lebih mengikat pembaca. Kisah favorit saya dalam buku ini adalah kisah dari Arbain Rambey. Arbain mencoba menjelaskan bahwa fotografer bisa menjadi pekerjaan yang menjanjikan dan juga menyenangkan. Selain itu, saya juga kagum dengan kegigihan Rinni Wulandari dalam membangun imej yang jauh berbeda dari Rini Idol. Bagaimana Rinni berusaha untuk membangun kembali imejnya dari awal yang pastinya tidak mudah.

Kenapa saya bisa lolos dari segala macam cobaan, karena saya cinta dengan apa yang saya lakukan. - Arbain Rambey.
Bila seseorang sudah punya passion terhadap satu bidang, saat menemui halangan, dia tidak akan 'meleleh'. - Arbain Rambey.
Membaca buku ini, dalam opini saya, dapat memberikan inspirasi bagi siapapun yang sedang stuck. Dalam artian, orang-orang yang masih ragu dalam mengejar passion-nya masing-masing. Setidaknya, buku ini mengajarkan kita untuk tetap memperjuangkan passion kita. Mengerjakan hal yang kita sukai merupakan modal awal bagi kita untuk menikmati hidup. Jadi, tidak ada salahnya kita mencoba belajar dari kisah sepuluh orang yang telah disebutkan di atas tadi.

3 bintang untuk kisah-kisah yang disajikan.


Puji P. Rahayu