[Top Ten Tuesday] Authors I've Read the Most Books by

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl since January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Hello! I am back with TTT again. For this week, it's about author I've read the most book by. I think, there will be a lot of Indonesian author for this list. Yep, when I was in middle school, I read a lot of Indonesian book--in fact, if not because of them, I wouldn't falling in love to read. So, here we go.

1. Luna Torashyngu

I think, the first author that I really like is Luna Torashyngu. In my teenage year, I read most of his book. I admit his writing ability because he could make a young-adult, thriller, and action story. He can do fantasy too. All of his story is very detail and I like every series from him--not to mention that actually all of his works is related to each other.

My favorite series from Luna Torashyngu is Mawar Merah (Red Rose). This series is mainly about Red Rose, an international hired killer that very talented and skillful. Even though she is very young, no one can beat Red Rose ability.

2. Lexie Xu

Thriller for teens in Indonesia? You should read Lexie Xu's work. I never imagined that actually Lexie Xu is a thriller writer. Just like when I said before, there are not many thriller writer in Indonesia, moreover thriller for teen. So, I really enjoy her story. Then, Lexie Xu also has a universe. So, every character on her story would be related to another. It's such a fun experience to read it.

My favorite series from Lexie Xu is Johan Series. The series follows the story of Johan, a psychopath who can hurt anyone without mercy.

3. Windhy Puspitadewi

Windhy is my all time favorite teen author. She is very talented to create such a wonderful young adult story. I still remember her book, Let Go that talks about friendship. Nothing about love there, but it's full of friendship.

Then, I couldn't stop to remember about Incognito. This book is incredible because it talks about time travel. I mean, I should praised Windhy for her effort to research about every historical moment that fit with the story.

4. Orizuka

The first time I read Orizuka's book, I literally cry a lot. Yeah, I think it's one of my first to read a story where the character is dead. As part of my grown up journey, I really like Orizuka's simple and touching story.

The last series that I read from her is The Chronicles of Audy. I like this series because me and Audy has the same background, which is an International Relations student. It's very interesting for me.

5. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

I really love Sherlock Holmes. As long as I remember, I've read all of Doyle's book that related to Holmes. To be honest, I am very enjoy to read a detective story. 

To be honest, I read Sherlock Holmes because of Detective Conan. Back then, in order to understand Sinichi's background who love Holmes, I decided to read the whole novel and athology about Holmes. Hmm, I should list Aoyama Gosho too here.

6. Lisa Kleypas

To be honest, I don't really read all of Kleypa's book. But, she is one of my favorite historical romance author. Don't ask when I read her book, tho. I just like how she make a series for her work. It's very interesting to me.


7. Dee Lestari

I should admit that I am following Dee Lestari from Supernova. Somehow, she did a very good job to comprehend so many things in philosophical way. Even though Supernova is interesting, I have to admit that not all of them is my favorite.

Beside Supernova, there is Perahu Kertas (Paper Boat) that always makes me smiling. It's a simple story that I never really imagine it can come up from Dee.

8. Christian Simamora

I still remember that I always saved my money every month to buy Christian Simamora's book. I think, I was in college and I really love romance stories. If I am not mistaken, I have almost ten books of him in my book shelf. I enjoyed his salty story back then.

But, recently, I am losing my interest to read any romance stories. I don't know why, but I am more interest to read a genre other than romance.

9. Aoyama Gosho

Aoyama Gosho is the creator of Detective Conan or Case Closed. I think, Conan is my all time favorite manga. I remember that I borrow ten volume of Conan every day from the library. For me, Aoyama Gosho is very talented to create the story. Until now, the black organization still being mystery and no one knows whether Conan could back to be Sinichi Kudo.

I am eager to know the end of the story, tho.

10. Agatha Christie

When we talk about detective story, we couldn't left out Agatha Christie, right? Reading Hercule Poirot makes me more and more curious. To be honest, the reason I read Agatha Christie is because I know it from Conan and to some extent from Holmes. I have a goal to read all of Christie's work in chronological order. Wish me luck, tho.

I don't think that I literally read all of their books. But, I read most of their book and they are still being my favorite author. Well, their book is kind of book that I will automatically buy without looking the review or synopsis.

Okay. That's all for today's TTT. Have a good day, everyone.

12 comments on "[Top Ten Tuesday] Authors I've Read the Most Books by"
  1. Love that you have chosen to feature Indonesian authors.

    Lisa Kleypas is on my list too!

    1. I choose them because most of my reading history is from Indonesian book :)

      Yeay. Lisa Kleypas definitele of of queen for historical romance, I supposed.

  2. Orizuka sounds like a wonderful writer!

    My TTT .

    1. Yes, she is. If I would like to read any young-adult novel, I'll choose her work :)

  3. I loved the Sherlock Holmes stories!

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. Sherlock Holmes always interesting.

      Thanks for visiting :)

  4. Besides Doyle and Christie, I haven't heard of most of these authors. I'm glad you enjoy them, though!

    Happy TTT!

    1. Most of them is Indonesian author :) Because I live in Indonesia, ofc I read a lot of Indonesian book.

      Thanks for visiting!

  5. I want to read more Doyle and Christie novels/stories, though I've read a bit by them both so far. I do really love a good mystery!


    1. Me too. Both of Doyle and Crhistie are my fav :)

  6. Arthur Conan Doyle made my list too. I’ve also read all of his Sherlock Holmes books.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!
