The Little Prince: Learning The Meaning of Life

The Little Prince

Being adult is exhausting.


Title: The Little Prince
Author: Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Publisher: Harcourt, Inc.
Date of published: June, 29th 2000 (first published April 6th 1943)
Number of pages: 93 pages

Moral allegory and spiritual autobiography, The Little Prince is the most translated book in the French language. With a timeless charm it tells the story of a little boy who leaves the safety of his own tiny planet to travel the universe, learning the vagaries of adult behaviour through a series of extraordinary encounters. His personal odyssey culminates in a voyage to Earth and further adventures.


Three weeks ago, I wrote a Top Ten Tuesday about Books that have been in my TBR the longest and I still haven't read. One of the book that I mentioned there is The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

To be honest, I've want to read this book from a long time ago. But, me being me. I haven't read the book yet even though I have a copy of this book in my reader apps. 

So, in order to complete my reading goals, I decided to choose this book for my reading list.

The Story

Well, I've heard so many thought about this book. Of course this book is a children book, consider the fact that the main character is so young. Hmm, we don't know exactly how old the little prince is, but many people assumed that the prince is a very young prince.

Like I said before, I remember that I haven't read this book because of Suga's weekly 06.13 Kkul FM Radio. In episode with Jungkook, they choose this story for their read your voice segment. Then, I just curious with this story more.

The Little Prince is a prince that come down to earth to completing his journey. It is believed that he is from asteroid knows as B-612. He explored the entire planet of the universe and landed on the earth. 

During his journey, the Little Prince meet so many people, starting from the king, conceited man, tippler, businessman, and geographer. From those journey, the little prince learned the vagaries of adult behavior.

Learning the meaning of life

Sumber:, edited by me.

I have to admit that this story is full of meaning. The Little Prince encounter with various people reflects how adult behave towards the young. They feel so righteous and know-it-all. They neglect the opinion from the children. Then, somehow the adult forced the children to fit with what the society said--it's meaningless if you want to pursue career on arts. It's better to learn STEM. Those typical stereotypes gave me a lot of headache. 

I never imagined that in this book, I would find the satirical comment about somehow the adult always nagging the young people regarding their success. Yeah, the typical question like, "how old is he? How many brothers has he? How much does he weigh?" It seems like they just want to emphasize the importance of social status regarding wealth. Sigh me all the way through.

If someone said that this book is only a children book, they should read it again. You can get a lot of unexpected learning from the story.

To forget a friend is sad. Not everyone has had a friend.


It's fun to read a meaningful story like this. I should consider to read more story like this.

4.5 out of 5 stars


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