Stories for Rainy Days
Hearts could't lie and being honest wasn't that bad
oleh Naela Ali
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Penulis: Naela Ali
Desainer: Naela Ali
Ilustrator: Naela Ali
Editor: Katrine Gabby Kusuma
Penerbit: POP, imprint dari KPG
Tahun terbit: Mei 2016
Tebal buku: ix+198 halaman
ISBN: 978-602-424-059-2
Baca via Scoop
It was a rainy day, with a hot darjeeling tea, warm striped blanket and polka dot socks. One perfect moment to read stories for cats.
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Sekian kali aku pergi ke toko buku, aku selalu tertarik dengan Stories for Rainy Days. Sampulnya yang cantik dan sederhana membuatku penasaran dengan isinya. Sampai suatu ketika, akhirnya aku berlangganan Scoop premium bersama empat orang lainnya. Berhubung aku kemarin pergi ke Yogyakarta dan tidak mendapat sinyal dengan benar, akhirnya kuhabiskan waktuku dengan membaca buku quote ini.
Back to the term of feelings... my heart knew so well that I did really want to stay like that forever. To always have that feeling, so good it almost hurts. I wanted to stay in love with that man. I wanted to always be sure that only death could tear us apart. I wanted to believe in those stuffs but it was delusional. You can not always get what you want even if you want to. Things not always turn to be the one you hoped it would be. --pg. 14.
Tentunya, yang membuat buku ini menarik adalah karena ilustrasi-ilustrasi yang ada di dalamnya. Naela Ali berhasil membuatku jatuh cinta dengan gambar-gambarnya. Sederhana tapi cantik. Aku suka konsep buku ini. Lalu, kutipan-kutipan yang ada di buku ini pun, in some way, sangat mengena bagiku.
And it was then when I started to think that I fell for that man. I wanted to hear him talking and I looked forward to his chats. That was enough for me to realize I wanted him. Yeah, really, I wasn't type of listener and chatter as well do when I did want to listen and chat with someone, that means something.
Ya emang sih, aku ini orangnya drama. Jadi, banyak sekali kutipan yang.. apa ya? Intinya sih, I could relate with. Jumlah halaman yang tidak terlalu banyak pun, membuatku betah untuk membaca sampai akhir. Kalau tidak salah, aku hanya perlu waktu beberapa jama saja untuk menyelesaikan membaca buku ini--dengan catatan, aku membaca di sela-sela kegiatan.
Love is when you can do stupid things together. Love is when you can completely be yourself. Love is the most comfortable thing. Love is home. And that day, I found a home that I won't leave.
Kebanyakan tulisan yang ada di Stories for Rainy Days adalah mengenai hubungan. Iya, hubungan antara dua orang. Tentang kebahagiaan saat bisa bersama, kesedihan saat berpisah, kegamangan saat belum tahu hubungan tersebut mau kemana, hingga rasa frustrasi karena hubungan yang dijalani. Aku setuju, akan menyenangkan bila membaca buku ini saat turun hujan. Ditemani oleh segelas cokelat panas untuk mendamaikan hati. Aku suka cara Naela bercerita dan aku suka penggambarannya.
Every word has its own specific meaning written in the dictionary. But, as a human who can feel and think, we sometimes have our own definitions on what actually certain word means for us.
No matter how bad our relationship was, there would always be something to learn. I learnt to accept things. i learnt more about patience. I learnt that love was not always about taking but also about giving. I learnt that if things were not meant to be, it would never be.
One thing for sure, I read this book when my feeling was unstable. I means, I could relate with almost of the story, because in some way, I was in that condition. Felling so blue, lonely, sad, and other. I know that I am a drama queen. So, I felt this book is "so me". Yeah. Know it. It's claiming. But then, I love Naela's work. It's beautiful and make me feel good when I read it. At least, to ease my feeling, right?
I'm tired of feeling things that I should never feel. I'm tired of hoping things that I should never hope. I'm tired of loving the one I should never love. I'm tired of missing the one I should never miss. I'm tired if being tiredly tired to feel tired of something so tiring.
I can't wait to read the second volume of this book. Five stars for Naela's work. I love it.
Puji P. Rahayu
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